Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Xmas EVE

Greetings, I will start by saying I had a good time last night at this all black xmas party. Now there are a few points I would like to evaluate: 1. If its all black shouldn't/doesn't that mean ALL black? 2. Are all black parties popular b/c you literally do not have to shop (if you do its easy) or really groom ironing or anything (dark club dark clothes no one knows)? 3. Why do dudes wear sun glasses in the night club.....what part of sun or night gets confusing? Just a few things I saw and was curious to find an answer to. Anyway it was fun hanging out with the fellas and having a good time (ladies strangly enough good men consider a good time hanging with their boys, drinking a cocktail/wine, and standing by the wall).

On to another topic this is after having a conversation with my homie AppleJacks, and she couldn't make it last night but, I understood (she is another good friend and I like to see all of us at one time when possible) but it's the reason why. .............ok here is where I elaborate, her significant other (i presume) essentially had a problem with her going out.....which is kinda weird b/c usually the shoe is on the other foot (I'm married and been with my wife for 5 1/2 years (1 1/2 married.....i digress) women are the one's normally like "why you got to go out?" but for a dude to say it its a little weird to me. Now I understand spending time and if you are not getting the attention you want then righfully so you should command it but, men do not think like that we don't mind (most fella's I know) if you go out b/c that gives us us time. Playstation (MAN LAW 12:3), ESPN (MAN LAW 1:1), at your boy's house who has the pool table (MAN LAW 56:2), or going out to bar to grab a beer or wings (MAN LAW 2:34) now on the other foot women are like "hell no, what you need to be out for, you aint single no more etc." lol, ladies you know I'm speaking the truth here. Nervous about that "other chick" whether she exist or not, most of the time we just want to be out with the boys, clown, drink, and have a good time nothing more than that. Now I will address this fact and it is a fact this would fall under LOVE LAW 10:10 if she is getting on your nerves, asking you a million questions, not intune to your "needs", nagging, and just always trippin then by LOVE LAW 10:10 a man doesn't have the right to leave or misconduct himself but, understand if all those factors play into that LAW then ladies you have a potential disaster on your hands. Now, am I approving it no by no means and should we be more sensitive to your needs YES I am a advocate of that but, MEN are from MARS; WOMEN are from VENUS we do not and I mean DO NOT think the same way. So ladies a bit of advice from someone who has become a better man through past experiences (my previous relationship) if you have a sociable man on your hands (typically a sagitarius(or fellas if your woman is a sag)) then by nature they are comfortable amongst people and if you are not (typically pisces and gemini's) then you have to understand it.....I did'nt say let it slide but, you must realize that fact is what it is. Now on the flipside the more "freedom" we (i'm speaking for sociable people) have the more we are in tuned to your wants and need and matter of fact we responed better to the lact of questioning. Anyway that was a lot and we will shut this down for today........I'm sure I will get some feed back if not I will add more tomorrow (yes I know its Xmas day but, by 5pm its a normal day lol)

to be continued.........


1 comment:

NaturallyEJ said...

Ok, first off let me say. I will probably be all over the place with this post since I am in the midst of getting ready to go out and having wine with friends, but I will try to stay on task.

Ok,to start, people will do what they want to do regardless. I say that to say, that is why I don't have an issue with my man going out and hanging with the boys, hell in my past relationships, I have even suggested and enjoyed my man going to the strip club and having all the fun his heart desires. There is nothing wrong with innocent fun. I don't however, agree with it on some occasions, like if we are arguing and it's not settled, for a man to get up and walk out is not cool. If there were plans made and our stuff got pushed aside, I would think it's not cool, you know stuff like that. Otherwise, have a hunky dory time. LOL. Life is short so everyone should be able to enjoy themselves, and not have to be with their significant other ALL the time.

Some women do have the fear of the other women, but I feel like being confident (not cocky) about yourself and knowing what you have is all you need. Ever hear that Ashanti song (although she can't sing)? It says, " When my man leaves the house I know he's coming right back. No matter how bad he might try to act he knows just where it's at." You get the idea. There is no point in trying to keep someone in, because it goes back to what I said earlier, people will do what they want to do when they want to do it. Putting stress on someone to stay in is only strain on a relationship. Let them go, if they don't come back they were never yours to start.

It is so true what you said, men and women think totally different, so it's important for each to be in touch with the others needs. I don't know much about the signs, but I (an aquarius) tend to love hard, and will do whatever to please, but when we have had enough, that's it. It's just as easy to say kick rocks dude as it was to fall in love .... Hope I wasn't to bad and all over the place. Back to my wine drinking. Merry Xmas.