Thursday, December 18, 2008

So Tell Me...... I said to myself I would'nt discuss the economy but, I was watching the moring show and was seeing something about a 50 billion dollar scam or fraud or whatever and I thought to myself and we wonder why we are in the situation we are in. My personal opinion the gov knows of these wrong doings and there are certain people in power that are probably benefitting from this, now if you don't know me i am big on conspiracies and I have a whole list of them but, we will get into that later (i digress..) so this cat came up with a 50 billion dollar scheme that this man made machine called Wall Street is just now figuring out........yeah right. If the gov can tap phones, have satelite transmission to see what you are doing, etc. they have to know stuff like this is going on. Now my opinion is that sense the economy is the way it is to avoid the really really big frauds and scams to come out they are slowly going to rat on the middle people. We have been duped for a long time unfortunately. Sooooooooooooo that was my moring and just thinking what can you do with 50 billion dollars.

I am even more shocked a professional sports (i am a former athlete so I understand getting that money for playing ball) but, we are in a RECESSION people.....getting an extra 20 million dollars to me is minute in comparison to the families that are getting kicked on the streets (feel me). I think it has become way way way to selfish and less entertaining now that we have mega stars, mega churches, mega athletes, hell the entertainment (sports) industry could bail this country out by it self. Now, I had the honor and was blessed to play in Europe for 5 1/2 years and made a good living. The polotics of playing over there and playing in the US is completly and I mean completly different if a team doesn't want you the send you packing and alot of times without in the LAND OF OPPORTUNITY a team doesn't want you the send you packing to another team that will pay you and the team that sent you still has to pay what they owe. Strange but, hey I guess it fits....and we wonder why they are catching up to us because in order to survive you have to perform, here these superstars complain when they play bad, they sit on there ass and complain b/c people are wondering.....In this time of recession all I have to rely on is my sports hero lol and this fool is holding out to get more millions added on to his, guess what MILLIONS! We can't even get the millionare celebrities to come to my city and do anything.....they love their state..........uh NOT. On the contrary I can understand why, this place has alot of demons (another conspiracy that we will talk about later, i digress) and its portrayed everywhere. I love my SOUTH but, let's face it, it's the SOUTH and you know what that means.
I went on a tantrum excuse me, so back to the millionaires who are sitting on there 20k dollar couches and stuff you have regular folks helping families in need, buying their homes so they don't get kicked out (while the gov is trying to get their money to save the economy) and you have all these rich folks that could give back to the city to the counties bail out your communities SUPERSTARS! I'm not rich by no means but, I am helping those who I can with what little I have.

Last topic:
Some folks in OHIO just won $207 million, I mean damn......15 people hit and I must say, I am hating but, I am sooooooooooooooo happy for them especially the one brother that took a chance with the group. That's like 13 mil a piece.....well after UNCLE SAM THE SCAM takes his cut it will be more like 7 but, still that can save a family for generations to come, it could help others in need. Now I have been designing my lottery plan and I already know where my donations will go if I ever hit the big one, not in this order per say. Church, Schools, Family, Community.....I am going to give mine back. If I won and got 7 million out of it I would probably keep 3-4 and spread the other 3-4 out to those entities. 3 million can last a long time if you know what to do with it. Well that is my rambling for the day, yesterday GOD was just as good as yesterday and the day before and today and the days after.


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