Thursday, April 14, 2011


OK I know I'm super late (usually a Monday thang) but hell who knows who actually takes time to read this any way so oh well.  Last week wasnt much of anything as far as news but this week has been somewhat entertaining at least in the entertainment world.  SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Manny retires, Barry beats the rap, and Kobe gets fines 100k for his "homophobic slur".  Amazon is trying to make a come up in SC, VP sleeps thru presidents speech, and a number of other thangs.  Where do I begin....lets just start with Manny hahahah he bounces retires and goes to Spain after failing another drug test.  Lets just say the man has made over 170M in his career and all they tombout is if he goes to the HOF, mmmmmm (sour face expression) he don't care, WHO"S NEXT!  Barry Bonds has proved once again that Dollars talk and what they excrete walks hahaha NEXT!  KOBE gets caught on t.v. on one of his many MANY tirades the TV catches the closure of his verbal assault. What I am happy about is he didn't use the ole cliche' "I'm human....dadadadaada" he was real about it and yes I think it has been blown completely out of proportion but then again IT WAS ON NATIONAL TV.  Whats is most interesting is that it cost him 100k YIKES, but as the folks on Sports Center calculated that is roughly 30 min of his salary (recession, 100k could help many families in need).  I digress man if players started getting fined for stuff like that they need to fine Bosh for spitting while getting hype in a game (like the Glenn Davis drooling thing). 

In other news Amazon is trying to come to Metropolitainville, USA and got free land, and some breaks but they want the whole pie.  It's interesting when companies do that, isn't more important to break into this market and provide 2,500 jobs for a recession hard hit state?  Maybe I'm just a economic softy. 

Like I said last week didn't have much substance that I could go into a long drawn out soliloquy about.  If you read this blog subscribe and join...I'm geesh it wont hurt. hahahahah


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