Monday, May 23, 2011

Hmmm I tell you....LIFE IS GREAT

Yeah I'm back on schedule yaddayadda ya....enough of the formalities...This week;  End of the World, Chris Bosh, Westbrook, and Athletes coming out the closet.  Also Relationship information and other randoms of randomstivity....

Lets begin....So last week according to ancient calendars and lore and other stuff the world was suppose to end on Saturday which I'm not disputing the literals of that statement but lets think about a few recession, natural disasters, crime still rising, war, I making sense?  See as far as I view things (which is all that matters if youre reading my blog) the world is taking a dive and much of it is by our own doing simply because we have ignored the Mos Hi and Mother Nature (one in the same) nah what I mean by that is that we are so embattled with ourselves (crime, corruption, greed, etc) that we totally forget that NATURAL DISASTERS are just that NATURAL and we have no control over it so if we (humans) figure out that to make this world better we have to control what we can control because at any min one to millions can be taken away by nature.  Ok not to scare, offend, or be insensitive to life and death I'm just saying...I'm a simple guy so we need to all do right by each other (regardless of race, gender, ethnicity, religious beliefs) be kind to your neighbor and realize "the hardest thing about the business is minding your own" ~ Drake.

Ok now that I have you in deep freaking thought I will move on to the lighter side of life....SPORTS hahahaha my favorite,  Ok so the Heat look like they wanna try and win this thing and Dallas doing they thing.  Football still arguing over ultimately fans hard earned money.  Baseball is still playing, hockey I honestly stop watching after the Caps got eliminated and NASCAR I have yet to really get (someone help me here).  Track N Field is alive and well and well I like watching it.  Ok now on to specifics...So there's this big thang out now about athletes coming out the closet....first whats the big deal?  It is not like we didn't know this was going on for years and years so is this acceptance movement suppose to shed light or whats the purpose?  I don't get what the big deal is and why it has to be a headline now if athletes were kingpins or something or needing to be visited by SVU then I get but sexual preference...really?  Its not like the guys can keep that a secret ya know....dudes can spot tendencies which a number of them have but its life it's 2011 Land O Lakes.   *Exiting soapbox* the media is giving Russell Westbrook a hard time I guess its that time of year and there needs to be a bad guy to keep sports alive until football returns...My opinion is yes he is a bit selfish and spotlight hungry but he is 22 so I get it plus I'm sure people in his camp are distracting him to a certain degree (agent included).  The young man is extremely talented and has only played the point for 2 years in which he was not one coming out of UCLA.  Two things are going to happen here 1.  He will continue to try to be the face of the team and eventually leave and try to be the MAN somewhere else.  2.  He will realize he will never be THAT guy and become solid and his numbers may decline but they will win.  Just my thoughts but either way no matter what he says it is effecting him and is making his job that much more challenging (just let him play).  Next Chris Bosh is having this coming out party (not exactly tied to the previous topic hahahaha) let me say this Bosh very skilled as a big man but I still don't put him in the SUPERSTAR category, He played on a very very bad team in Toronto (not that hard to put up numbers if you are good) next due to the fact that all the attention has been on Dwayne James he gets to shine kinda like Rondo with his emergence....Now don't get it twisted I'm not saying he cant play but geesh its ok for him to be a good player he is just not on the level as Dwayne James. 

Quick tidbit The Terminator doing his number with the help and getting exposed I wonder if this will be like Eldrick Woods will it end the terminators career and credibility?  I guess it was a no brainier when the lil boy walked in and then left and said "I'll be back" (Austrian voice) and that set off the alarms...Iownknow if that's what happened but if he has lil teeth and a gap I would be rotflmao.   Ok ok ok no one is perfect that I know but one side of me is content that it wasn't another brown person messing up this time.

Relationship advice...well I will save that for questions....I can generally answer questions on what HE is thinking or trying and what SHE is or will be thinking (for newbie married couples).



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