Thursday, January 15, 2009


Greetings, ok today I want to get into the social realms and figure out what makes someone popular, corny, etc. The extrodinary swaggar that so few have but so many want....can you obtain it or is it an uncanny ability to catch the eye of those around you. Is it appearance is it, who you know, or is it who knows you? What gives certain folks a "celebrity" status with in the circle of their peers? Ladies what does a guy have to do (this day in age) to catch your eye without even speaking or looking your direction. Can you spot swaggar and cool from a mile away or do you have to get in the persons personal space to feel his/her cool? I know a lot of cool people but, there are few I just look at and say damn she got it going on...ya know. No action warranted just a daydream moment when you think intimately about that person i.e. what if? Swaggar has been around for a long time but, not til T.I. came with the song people have been talking about it so much (I guess that's the cool thing to be more thugs or goons (whatever that is)). Everybody wants to have swaggar......................even if you may not be that attractive (or at least you have'nt appeared to be in the past) is there a way to suddenly have a swag about you that makes you cute, fine, or sexy which I think being sexy is far better than any other compliment because to me sexy means that you have something about you that is against the norm and it draws people to you. Well I'm keeping it short but, this is a hellova topic..........



K.Kelly said...

Swagger wouldn't be swagger if it could be described. It's a mixture of confidence, sex appeal, and that extra little something...all mixed into one. It's that extra something that makes you wonder why the hell you can't stop looking. It can't be bought or practiced, either you got it or you don't.

NaturallyEJ said...

You are so right HHKelly, Swagger can't fully be described, you can recognize some things about a person that gives them "swagger" but it is quite indescribable. I know this, I was talking to a friend yesterday and something that stuck out to me is that President Barack Obama, has swagger that is unmatched, but in a different way and on another level. You can't really describe it, but he has it.