Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Greetings, now I have said on a few occassions I would'nt get into politics but, the fact that this MAN is making this remarkable step is something we must all sit back and say progress. Now I will add I take a different approach to the said "brother, black man" taking office. This MAN is neither black nor white and only by Jim Crow and rules of the past defines him as such. Now I am not discarding the fact that he has color...no no no not at all but, we the people of the United States have to understand that the states have been united for quite some time its' the people who haven't so as it has finally manifested itself we are finally becoming the United People of America. Why do we continue to say racial barriers are being broken when we still put a title of "the black president" by what law qualifies this MAN as being black? He is the peoples people he is white and he is black, he has lived both lives and embraces that fact. Now I can almost assure when the said "brother" was growing up and living with his "white" family that he was shunned and outcasted by both ethnic groups because he didn't fit in either. Now all of a sudden he, is this great BLACK MAN because he is darker than the other 43, he has swaggar as my buddy EJ said, he relates with his African bretheren. This is the biggest stepping stone in American history to let a man that has color run the country that was built by the very people it oppressed. Considering we have come along way lets not undermind all who fought for freedom. It goes further than MLK (great ambassador) who was able to have a hightended platform to get us to the "Promise Land". To have a High School in Mississippi that has had it's first intergrated prom in 2008 says that strides have been made but there is a lot of covering up going on as well. Just because we are not facing the hoses and dogs doesn't mean the fight is over it has just shifted to mental battle i.e. we are the majority in the prison system which is part of the reason we can't ever have a voice in society b/c inmates don't get that privilege, we "gangs" instead of fraternities and sororities trying to make change.....killing each other which is a lose lose a. we die b. we continue to our residency in the prisons. 2008 and first intergrated prom ......2008! Now I am not taking away this life and world changing moment, i am just saying don't let the media over hype it to the point to where we think we have achieved something greater than the struggle. I also watched some brothers state their cases of working hard to be able to get where you want (not being negative) but, there is a thing called affirmative action which is more prevelant now than it was 20 years ago. Yes we have overcome many obstacles and I am thankful for all the struggles my people have gone through for me to get where I am but, BUT have we ever sat and thought that we are in some of the positions we are in to say here we will give you this so you can shhh for awhile? I will take all of that everyday because the bigger the crack in the door the greater the opportunity for us to get in a prove our worth but BUT folks do not get it twisted the ancestors fought the physical battles and wars so we would'nt have to now it is up to us to fight the mental, social, political wars so the next generation can take another giant step. Knowledge is Everyting.....don't be nieve....be aware, be thankful, be hopeful, be thoughtful, most of all be stedfast.

Brotherhood, Scholarship, Service is what a wise man once told me.


1 comment:

NaturallyEJ said...

Wonderful post and so true in many ways. Alot of people are very caught up in the hype. I am too very excited about our new President, but I just pray that everyone wakes up and realize that we have come a long way, but that we still have a ways to go. Reading this is an eye opener and hopefully someone will read this and be inspired to step their game up in order to yield great outcomes in their future and in the future of the next generations. Great motivational reality check Luc...