Friday, January 30, 2009

Strange Religion

Greetings, I was watching this thing on Ted Haggard the evangelic pastor who was having relations with a boy, male hooker, and doing drugs and now he is about to be famous for his sins. I am curious to know why do we somehow find a way to glorify this behaivor? Also his church banished him from presiding over them. Now if they are of the faith then shouldn't they forgive him and let him pray for forgiveness? Now this is a topic that I definately want to stay away from (religion that is) b/c everyone has there own opinions. However I think this particular case everyone can have a comment on. How is it the HBO is taking this "reality show" of his life and trying to make it a source of entertainment? The man's wife who has probably endured more abuse than her husband has managed to forgive him and try to move forward, which leads me to the question was this a way to "get famous"? To me his interview was a little bit awkward because he is self proclaiming his problems and is almost looking for the forgiveness (which.....he may deserve) but it was almost a plea to say I lied now I am admitting my guilt. Strange very strange funny thing is I am a Law and Order buff so a lot of these real life cases they make on L & O so you can sort of see how they can be interpreted. Sorry to jump off the scale but this was very very very strange to see this this moring on the today show


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