Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Greetings,...........so i was talking to my buddy Apple Jacks again and we got on the conversation on good guys and bad guys. There are very few good dudes left out there and same goes for the ladies. The challenge is fighting temptation unfortunately being "cool" can only go but so far. There are good dudes you have to bring the goodness out, we (men) are so lost right now that we are losing our souls and the only thing besides GOD (who created woman as our strength and balance) is woman that can save us. Easier said than done, you will notice a lot of men showing great qualities in the beginning then they start falling off. Reason is because we may realize we have a good woman then fear sets in like "damn is this it" is this the one. Whether it is or not we fear the thought of being commited (in the aspect of having someone to answer to). All of us want to be in a relationship and the ones that came "player, MOB, or whatever" are the one's that desparately want it but, feel an obligation to maintain societies brainwashing. We are easily influenced by our surrounding where women are influenced my wisdom. We poses the strength and security women look for and women poses the reason, wisdom, and feelings that we lack. Together they are balance apart they are chaos i.e. "dogs" and "ho's". How do we defeat this battle because with the rise of homosexuality it makes it difficult because the battle is not just with the opposite sex its same sex now too (i'm not oppose to gay relationships, if thats you do you). We men have to stop subjecting ourselves to being providers, lovers, and players. That mentality gives birth to..."I buy, you eat, you have" therefore you can't say anything to me. Women have to stop as well, now with the independence ( I don't need a man concept) that too is very misleading if not wrong, women's emotional override needs the lack of emotion a man provides to balance things out (you don't have to like what I say just think about it and say yeah he is right). Now to figure how do I keep a good man, or how do I find one. You don't, we will discover you because you could have a good one in front of you (that shows signs of being good but also has player qualities). The best player will make the best husband or boyfriend if....and I mean IF he is intune with you and what you bring to him (I am speaking balance). The best "player" understands a womens needs, wants, and knows how to cater to her therefore he is in tuned.....now on the other hand he is also the most timid one of the bunch b/c he knows that if he is "tamed" then he (in the eyes of his peers) has punk'd out. You may not agree but, its the truth. I for example knew I could be a good man but, I tried and failed (I got hurt once) and then was "scared" of putting myself out there again so I was the ultimate "player" so to speak not prolific in terms of flaunting it I found myself to be the "player" that you would want to be involved with but, were scared to because you knew I was a "player" lol strange I know but very true (I could be a good man but, I did'nt want to be). It took my wife who understands me to challenge my "player" (she made it a competition between me and my conscious) which is the biggest key to a "player" (his ego, his confidence, his knowledge, his unwillingness to conform). Now once you reverse his phsycology meaning, you challenge him to be with one and for him to believe "he still got it". That is power in a "player's mind" knowing that if I want to I could. That is the difficulty finding his hot zone his comfort and playing the player against hisself. How do you do it...................well that's the question but, once you learn it he is yours. looking to hear back so I can elaborate......


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