Thursday, January 8, 2009

Curiosity Kills...

Greetings.......I have pondered this thought for quite some time, and looking at my dating career lol, and that of friends (male,female). Has there ever come a time where you were attracted to a friends significant other or attracted to a friend of a friend but, you know you cant say anything because of the complexities of the relationships involved? This I think is a very very interesting topic to explore. I mean has there been an occassion where you have thought about someone beyond "hey my name is......nice meeting you?". I bring this up after listening on the moring show about Brad Pitt and the questions of him cheating with Angelina Jolie on Jennifer Anisten. I mean that is the hot topic now considering they have been married now for what 2 years.....that is the hot news this moring......I digress badly! Now back to the topic, Brad mentioned that they worked together on the set of Mr. and Mrs. Smith for over a year now him and Jen were on the outs but, the fact is I think he may have met Angelina long before and was like "damn" and she remained on his mind and vice versa. Now back to the question of is there anyone you have met in the past where they stayed on the brain and you said to yourself "man, if the right opportunity came's going down or if they become available to where it wont be complicated then I'm on it"

Tell me



NaturallyEJ said...
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NaturallyEJ said...

This is very interesting. I think we all can say at some point this has happened to us. As we get older and mature, we tend to think things through more carefully and have better judgment in these kinds of situations. You are right "curiosity kills". Any time this has happened to me or a friend of mine in the past, it ultimately depended on the other persons level of adaptation and how the both of you could go on after crossing paths.

When we were younger, we didn't think things through very often and we acted more on feelings and "the right now" than being rational and thinking of the future and how it could affect you. However, to answer the question at hand. YES, it's happened to me. Great topic, I could elaborate more, but I will stop here, because I should be working. LOL.

K.Kelly said...

I know that it's entirely possible, and to the dismay of happens all the time! Reason being, if you look around at your friends/associates, there is some common factor that attracted you to them be it male/female. There could be common interests, groups, ideas, etc. Now, if you're like don't throw the "friend" term around too much...therefore the ones you keep close are more like you than what you probably realize. They are probably in someway in extension of your character, or at times...they embody a characteristic you would like to have. So of course that multiplies the potential that you would be attracted to "a friend of a friend."
Now to answer the question--I have a friend from way back that was a "friend of a friend" that I spoke with today, if circumstances were most definitely would go down.

LUC said...

You hit the nail on the head, the people that you "hang" with embody the same likes and dislikes so your "scales" of attraction may be very similar so yes I could see that angle. It does happen all the time, that to me is another reason the divorce rate is so high now with sexuality being as open as it is today. I think our parents and grandparents etc. cheated and some point in their lives I think the difference is they had enough in them to understand that we do have a bond and we are entitled to our mistakes (with in reason). I believe they fought through it together and that's why they were so strong and built stronger families over time, they learned how to love unconditionally, they learned how to forgive together, they learned how to be the back bone to each other. Now a days with the M.O.B. concept and the Independent women idea, the thoughts is if you cant be with me only then I really don't need you. Am I justifying infedelity no not at all (yes it is wrong) however it happens and has been happening since the beginning of time it is all in how it is dealt with (if told or untold). As you see the more women's independence and men worried about see the house divided so the first thing we do now is "oh hell no, I want a divore" or we broke up. There is no love really there if you can make that decision instantly (or the doubt is already there) now if something happens and you say "well what went wrong or what can I do to make it better" stuff like. To help explain there is an earlier post about the fundemental differences between man and woman. In short "it" goes down all the time once people get older and wiser and hell the functions don't function the same lol, then thats when it is pure. Not saying all step out there are some great marriages/relationships where the thoughts enter the mind but, the action never takes place one way or another it happens for a reason and it doesn't happen for a reason. It is all for "you" to learn more about yourself.