Friday, January 30, 2009

Strange Religion

Greetings, I was watching this thing on Ted Haggard the evangelic pastor who was having relations with a boy, male hooker, and doing drugs and now he is about to be famous for his sins. I am curious to know why do we somehow find a way to glorify this behaivor? Also his church banished him from presiding over them. Now if they are of the faith then shouldn't they forgive him and let him pray for forgiveness? Now this is a topic that I definately want to stay away from (religion that is) b/c everyone has there own opinions. However I think this particular case everyone can have a comment on. How is it the HBO is taking this "reality show" of his life and trying to make it a source of entertainment? The man's wife who has probably endured more abuse than her husband has managed to forgive him and try to move forward, which leads me to the question was this a way to "get famous"? To me his interview was a little bit awkward because he is self proclaiming his problems and is almost looking for the forgiveness (which.....he may deserve) but it was almost a plea to say I lied now I am admitting my guilt. Strange very strange funny thing is I am a Law and Order buff so a lot of these real life cases they make on L & O so you can sort of see how they can be interpreted. Sorry to jump off the scale but this was very very very strange to see this this moring on the today show


Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Another Day

Greetings, pardon my absence but hey work comes first. So I have been floating through this thing called life for about a week now and have'nt stumbled on any revelations. I realize that another friend of mine is have relationship problems and I feel bad for her cause she is attractive, smart, good job, and she is not aggrevating like some women (notice some) can be. I don't know any guys right now I could introduce her to because a. they are tied up b. I know their intentions. Why is it that good women get passed over......well hell excuse me I can answer that. Let me re-phrase the qustion: Why can't men learn how to get their shit together? I mean I agree we (men) are trying to figure out how to treat a women well into our late 20's and early 30's but, why can we figure it out. To me there is a way to treat a women and still have her acknowledge your imperfections. The better a women understands you faults the easier it is. For instance going out to dinner, movies, movies at home etc. then the next night wanting to hang with the fellas or go to the bar and chill without coming by (only a phone call). That will piss a woman off usually especially if things look like there going in the right direction but, it the make up process that helps. Also why can't we figure out that even when a woman consents to sex she is open herself up to have feelings which as a man we try to avoid. How come we have not figured it out yet that even though she acts like it's consensual and all is good that she will not catch feelings. They catch feelings all the time almost every time so fellas know this before you lay it down what you are about to do is lay the ground works for some sort of relationship. Anywho I babbled for a little bit but my point is so many dudes claim to know the "game" but, they really don't understand it, end result good women become harder to find and good men get tossed in the pool of badness.


Tuesday, January 20, 2009


Greetings, now I have said on a few occassions I would'nt get into politics but, the fact that this MAN is making this remarkable step is something we must all sit back and say progress. Now I will add I take a different approach to the said "brother, black man" taking office. This MAN is neither black nor white and only by Jim Crow and rules of the past defines him as such. Now I am not discarding the fact that he has no no not at all but, we the people of the United States have to understand that the states have been united for quite some time its' the people who haven't so as it has finally manifested itself we are finally becoming the United People of America. Why do we continue to say racial barriers are being broken when we still put a title of "the black president" by what law qualifies this MAN as being black? He is the peoples people he is white and he is black, he has lived both lives and embraces that fact. Now I can almost assure when the said "brother" was growing up and living with his "white" family that he was shunned and outcasted by both ethnic groups because he didn't fit in either. Now all of a sudden he, is this great BLACK MAN because he is darker than the other 43, he has swaggar as my buddy EJ said, he relates with his African bretheren. This is the biggest stepping stone in American history to let a man that has color run the country that was built by the very people it oppressed. Considering we have come along way lets not undermind all who fought for freedom. It goes further than MLK (great ambassador) who was able to have a hightended platform to get us to the "Promise Land". To have a High School in Mississippi that has had it's first intergrated prom in 2008 says that strides have been made but there is a lot of covering up going on as well. Just because we are not facing the hoses and dogs doesn't mean the fight is over it has just shifted to mental battle i.e. we are the majority in the prison system which is part of the reason we can't ever have a voice in society b/c inmates don't get that privilege, we "gangs" instead of fraternities and sororities trying to make change.....killing each other which is a lose lose a. we die b. we continue to our residency in the prisons. 2008 and first intergrated prom ......2008! Now I am not taking away this life and world changing moment, i am just saying don't let the media over hype it to the point to where we think we have achieved something greater than the struggle. I also watched some brothers state their cases of working hard to be able to get where you want (not being negative) but, there is a thing called affirmative action which is more prevelant now than it was 20 years ago. Yes we have overcome many obstacles and I am thankful for all the struggles my people have gone through for me to get where I am but, BUT have we ever sat and thought that we are in some of the positions we are in to say here we will give you this so you can shhh for awhile? I will take all of that everyday because the bigger the crack in the door the greater the opportunity for us to get in a prove our worth but BUT folks do not get it twisted the ancestors fought the physical battles and wars so we would'nt have to now it is up to us to fight the mental, social, political wars so the next generation can take another giant step. Knowledge is Everyting.....don't be aware, be thankful, be hopeful, be thoughtful, most of all be stedfast.

Brotherhood, Scholarship, Service is what a wise man once told me.


Thursday, January 15, 2009


Greetings, ok today I want to get into the social realms and figure out what makes someone popular, corny, etc. The extrodinary swaggar that so few have but so many want....can you obtain it or is it an uncanny ability to catch the eye of those around you. Is it appearance is it, who you know, or is it who knows you? What gives certain folks a "celebrity" status with in the circle of their peers? Ladies what does a guy have to do (this day in age) to catch your eye without even speaking or looking your direction. Can you spot swaggar and cool from a mile away or do you have to get in the persons personal space to feel his/her cool? I know a lot of cool people but, there are few I just look at and say damn she got it going on...ya know. No action warranted just a daydream moment when you think intimately about that person i.e. what if? Swaggar has been around for a long time but, not til T.I. came with the song people have been talking about it so much (I guess that's the cool thing to be more thugs or goons (whatever that is)). Everybody wants to have swaggar......................even if you may not be that attractive (or at least you have'nt appeared to be in the past) is there a way to suddenly have a swag about you that makes you cute, fine, or sexy which I think being sexy is far better than any other compliment because to me sexy means that you have something about you that is against the norm and it draws people to you. Well I'm keeping it short but, this is a hellova topic..........


Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Greetings,.............ok today is not as exciting but, needless to say I am thankful for all the people I deem friends. I always have indulging conversations with them and they help fuel these blogs.
Nothing much new today but, just asking myself when do you know you have a "friend" a confidante? Someone who can hold their word with you? In this day in age how do you know when to invest your time into someone? People you have had experiences with that you can hold on to forever. I know many many many many people (most people do) and I know (I'm not nieve) they talk about me....some good, some bad, some care not to speak. I have too many flaws to even go down the list but, I must say for those I deem friends I have never destroyed their character even through disagreements. Not saying by any means someone has deliberately tried or is trying I was just thinking of all of those I talk to on a constant. Those who know a little bit more about me than the average. Know my imperfections but embrace it and don't judge, those who try to help me when I question myself. How or when do you know that that person is in your corner because over a lifetime you never know what will happen next? Strange discussion today but, just one of those reflection days where I have to say I appreciate everybody who is pro Luc or against Luc. lol.........


Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Greetings, i was talking to my buddy Apple Jacks again and we got on the conversation on good guys and bad guys. There are very few good dudes left out there and same goes for the ladies. The challenge is fighting temptation unfortunately being "cool" can only go but so far. There are good dudes you have to bring the goodness out, we (men) are so lost right now that we are losing our souls and the only thing besides GOD (who created woman as our strength and balance) is woman that can save us. Easier said than done, you will notice a lot of men showing great qualities in the beginning then they start falling off. Reason is because we may realize we have a good woman then fear sets in like "damn is this it" is this the one. Whether it is or not we fear the thought of being commited (in the aspect of having someone to answer to). All of us want to be in a relationship and the ones that came "player, MOB, or whatever" are the one's that desparately want it but, feel an obligation to maintain societies brainwashing. We are easily influenced by our surrounding where women are influenced my wisdom. We poses the strength and security women look for and women poses the reason, wisdom, and feelings that we lack. Together they are balance apart they are chaos i.e. "dogs" and "ho's". How do we defeat this battle because with the rise of homosexuality it makes it difficult because the battle is not just with the opposite sex its same sex now too (i'm not oppose to gay relationships, if thats you do you). We men have to stop subjecting ourselves to being providers, lovers, and players. That mentality gives birth to..."I buy, you eat, you have" therefore you can't say anything to me. Women have to stop as well, now with the independence ( I don't need a man concept) that too is very misleading if not wrong, women's emotional override needs the lack of emotion a man provides to balance things out (you don't have to like what I say just think about it and say yeah he is right). Now to figure how do I keep a good man, or how do I find one. You don't, we will discover you because you could have a good one in front of you (that shows signs of being good but also has player qualities). The best player will make the best husband or boyfriend if....and I mean IF he is intune with you and what you bring to him (I am speaking balance). The best "player" understands a womens needs, wants, and knows how to cater to her therefore he is in on the other hand he is also the most timid one of the bunch b/c he knows that if he is "tamed" then he (in the eyes of his peers) has punk'd out. You may not agree but, its the truth. I for example knew I could be a good man but, I tried and failed (I got hurt once) and then was "scared" of putting myself out there again so I was the ultimate "player" so to speak not prolific in terms of flaunting it I found myself to be the "player" that you would want to be involved with but, were scared to because you knew I was a "player" lol strange I know but very true (I could be a good man but, I did'nt want to be). It took my wife who understands me to challenge my "player" (she made it a competition between me and my conscious) which is the biggest key to a "player" (his ego, his confidence, his knowledge, his unwillingness to conform). Now once you reverse his phsycology meaning, you challenge him to be with one and for him to believe "he still got it". That is power in a "player's mind" knowing that if I want to I could. That is the difficulty finding his hot zone his comfort and playing the player against hisself. How do you do it...................well that's the question but, once you learn it he is yours. looking to hear back so I can elaborate......


Monday, January 12, 2009


Greetings, it is another monday moring and of course I am in the office but, I have to take time to engage in this blog. Great conversation last week on a variety of platforms, now I am asking the question what makes a relationship a relationship? Is it the first time you have relations? Is it the first kiss? Is it a designated time in which you indulge yourself with a person? Ladies in particular, you get this all the time.....when you are just "kicking it" and after your night of relations, feelings get involved and next thing you know your trying to figure out where you stand. Trust that fellas get caught up but, we don't like to admit it hence the distance and the uncertainty of where things actually stand. Are one nighters annomalies (sp), are one nighter accepted, are one nighters ok? Is there every an occassion where a physical relationship makes sense or is warranted? There are many occasions (a past relatioship i.e.) were the commonality is a great physical attraction (a lot of unbeleivable nights, mornings, evenings, lunch, I digress) and there is not much it healthy to maintain that or just stay away from it? What if there is an immense social attraction that is not healthy to take any further even tho by thought it would make sense to try.


Friday, January 9, 2009

True Love

Greetings,..................ok the topic today will be short and brief.......its a simple question is thier a "Soul Mate"? What does it mean? Is there more than one? There are millions of people in the world from all backgrounds and ethnicities. Think about personalities of all the millions of people in the world, is there just one the goes perfect with you or is the several.....? Is it a matter of finding them, them finding you, or the stars being aligned? Now if that happens, what happens if there is more than one and you meet that person?

Today is interesting because I think that question has been posed but, not been explored in depth.


Thursday, January 8, 2009

Curiosity Kills...

Greetings.......I have pondered this thought for quite some time, and looking at my dating career lol, and that of friends (male,female). Has there ever come a time where you were attracted to a friends significant other or attracted to a friend of a friend but, you know you cant say anything because of the complexities of the relationships involved? This I think is a very very interesting topic to explore. I mean has there been an occassion where you have thought about someone beyond "hey my name is......nice meeting you?". I bring this up after listening on the moring show about Brad Pitt and the questions of him cheating with Angelina Jolie on Jennifer Anisten. I mean that is the hot topic now considering they have been married now for what 2 years.....that is the hot news this moring......I digress badly! Now back to the topic, Brad mentioned that they worked together on the set of Mr. and Mrs. Smith for over a year now him and Jen were on the outs but, the fact is I think he may have met Angelina long before and was like "damn" and she remained on his mind and vice versa. Now back to the question of is there anyone you have met in the past where they stayed on the brain and you said to yourself "man, if the right opportunity came's going down or if they become available to where it wont be complicated then I'm on it"

Tell me


Wednesday, January 7, 2009

SO I spent all day running around like a chicken with the head cut off but, needless to say I had some down time to think about the holidays, resolutions, and goals. I think one of my goals is to maintain confidence in what I am doing and who I am we so often get lost in the shuffle. So many things on my plate and just trying to hone in on one of them for the beginning of '09. I have been blessed and fortunate to be given a lot of the recent opportunities that I am ready to maximize them. Part of my resolutions were to work out (to get my "damn" back) and be a better daddy, husband, brother, friend, mentor. It's difficult being a brother this day in age and keeping your identity, once again that can get lost in the shuffle. Having an opportunity to do things outside of the box and inside were great to end 2008 now its time to capitalize. I met new people who I think will become apart of my circle (you must surround yourself with like minds in order to be successful). I will challenge myself and others to push for more (unfortunately living in SC is not the fertile promise land like most major cities.....but, it's a gold mine here). For all the women who I deem friends please if you are looking for guidance in relationships do not hesitate to ask me because I have been around the block and back many times so I know the game and how it has evolved...i digress.

So I'm wondering what '09 will bring because '08 provided a lot of challenges financially, spiritually, socially, and mentally. I have come to realize that no matter if you are married women will still test you, I realize as simple as a little extra work from a small investment so you can make extra money is not as easy as it should be. I realize that bills don't stop they keep coming, I realize that The MOS HIGH puts obstacles in your path so you can face them and be prepared for your blessings as long as you have faith and understand its not up to "you". I realize not everyone is on your side so it was another year of learning, growing, and believing.

This year will be fun, exciting, prosperous, and ...the beginning


Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Beauty in the eyes I had some time to sit and think yesterday on lunch and was curious to know what makes a person fine, sexy, beautiful, ugly, cute, etc. to somebody else. Man Law - men have a grading scale and some guys are way way way way off and most are pretty accurate. I am curious if the opposite sex knows these grading scales or are they aware of only a particular persons judgement? Man Law - 34:5 we look all the time, not to disrespect but, by habit I guess you can say by nature no matter if the person is voluptuous, skinny, built, tall, short, or fat it doesn't matter we look to put it on the scale (if it falls on it at all). Yes we are shallow like that but, is riding in the new e-class, range rover, l series etc for women (so whatever ladies if you are saying "uh uh"). It seems once we learn what the person is about or like then we re-measure where they fall i.e. if you have a dime that is stuck up she then becomes like a 7 or 6 even ya know. Some what interesting topic, I mean I have seen some women that I know by consensus she would not be a "dime piece" but, I find that something about her and it makes her sexy.................

lets talk about it


Monday, January 5, 2009

I'm Back

Greetings, I apologize for being gone for so long but, I had a lot of work to get done and I was'nt near a computer to say anything.

Needless to say I had a wonderful holiday season and a solid new year even though my team lost for their bowl game. I had alot of time to just sit and think about what I would like to achieve in 09, I need to be more in tune with my higher self, make better decisions both business and personal, make money as well as start giving back. I would like to start working out so I can trim down and get back to how I used to be, I'm ok now but I was a specimen just a few years ago. I have been become curious about a few things a. where this economy will be in the next 6 months b. how many more challenges will I face. I know the MOST HIGH puts these challenges in place for a reason I'm just wondering how will I fair or succeed.

What will the male and female aspect of life bring in this new year, we continue to amaze each other and in some cases we are very entertaining to others, Well this is my welcome to 2009 and lets just say I think I will have a lot of new topics to explore.
