Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Ok yes I have been a bit M.I.A for some time and I apologize to those who read this and (I wish) were wondering why there was a delay.  Whelp!......

Got a lot going on and bottom line is I'm learning and getting such a valuable lesson about life and people.  So I have just been laying low actually working on somethings more so than the life lessons thing but both have played a role in my limited accessibility.  I won't be too long because I don't have much really to get into other than always monitor your surroundings and those in them and you will learn alot of things.  Life has a funny way of teaching you and the Mos High (or whomever you look for spiritual guidance) has a way of strengthening you when you think all is good.  Much reflection has gone into this past week and the energies and spirits of those around me.  Taking time to decipher the lessons we learn whether it stubbing your pinky toe or dropping bbq sauce on your favorite shirt you always can learn something everyday.  Always listen to peoples ways and actions and you will be able to translate the language they speak.  I appreciate all the people in my life and those who I have come across because regardless of the situation I have learned from them.  I'm thankful for all my blessings and I pray that everyone receives them as well so hahahah enough of the deep intellectual thought ............Y'ALL BE EASY OUT THERE YA HEAR!  


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