Monday, February 23, 2009

What is it?

Greetings................ok its been some time now and I am trying not to bombarde you with topic after topic so I will take my time with you (lol). Now I was thinking about what life is about and how should you live it? People have their own reasons for doing what they do and "if I could do it again I would" moments. I have had some fun moments in life and some bad but I have learned from both. I believe you do run into people for reason and you share with them a moment in time for a reason as well. I am thankful for all too. My question after listening to Beyonce's DIVA song, how do "DIVAS" carry themselves socially? Ok they huslte I understand but do they indescretly "get down" b/c they feel they have the freedom to do so or does societies definition of a LADY come into play? I have seen a growing trend of women "doing me" not in a sexual sense but just living. If they are in a relationship they are happy but still have that other side, if they are single then they want to be in a relationship and have that other side. This is a interesting dynamic that I am eager to explore, can DIVAS weed out "game"? I think some women want to be smooth talked but I guess it would depend on who the smooth talker is and what she wants him to do. Which leads to my next question what is a good "game", can you be talked out of your drawls or do you just know from the moment you see 'him' that he can "get it"? I love hearing this because women "hate" the games but some like being wrapped up in it (the good situations). Is there really a Player out there since sooooooooooo many women can check game at the door but there are some smooth as a babys butt laying on a silk blanket guys out there who can smile and all hell breaks loose. Tell me about...........I would love to hear this one


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