Monday, May 30, 2011

I went out last you know I gots something to say..hahahha

Hey its Monday again...shat, time is flying.  This weeks chatter will be mainly about social scene (at least in this city I call home).  Due to the playoff hault b/c of preparations for the finals there wasn't much else hatneing (translation-happening). 

Ok, so last week was at best dull until Friday and Saturday, where shall I start?  Ok ok so some of my NFL bros came home (I sure hope it was for memorial weekend and not because they wanted to) and of course when you have been exposed to the "LIFE" coming back to Columbia better yet anywhere but Charleston (biased opinion but there is more to do) for a weekend is a bit of a let down - I digress- So my homie calls me Friday and is wondering whats going on and I told him of the only thing I knew of so I said I'm game and yes I drove cross town to check out the scene and lets just say I've seen more cars in a Dollar Store parking lot at 23:00 (think about what I just said) we decide to scavenge the town to see if there is any life remotely moving and needless to say we ended up back Uptown (Northeast side) at the place from a previous post I said was I gets there and the crowd is respectable compared to where I just left and I get there and these fools charging and I was looking like BWAHAHAHAHAHA (I'm not above paying but geesh If I can see to the back that's not good) but my homie came and got me so needless to say It was a bit chilly inside *DENOTE - If you can feel the A/C in a club that is not a good thing* so anyway we sat down and tried to make it as ballerific as possible a bottle and a place to sit...I saw full sequin jumpers and quite a bit of + sizes in little outfits with little shoes (I think +'s are just at beautiful as any other size no discrimination).  Now, I'm not talking bad about +'s I'm just saying make it work for you PLEASE the same +'s that despise petites are the same ones that attempt to look like petites I'm just saying.   I know plenty of +'s that I think are absolutely beautiful and they embrace themselves and make it work.  Ok enough enough before somebody takes it the wrong way (even tho I have clearly stated my opinion).  Now moving on to day two....I had an opportunity to celebrate one of my good friends and former teammates post wedding celebration in which I can say I had a blast (No7 was on tilt hahahahah y'all who know me know what that means), then later on that night (late late and I don't get out much) my homies buzzed me up yet again, mind now I'm a married guy with two kids (translation - I don get out much; not that there is anything to do anyway) but I don't kick it often with my bros unless its the summer so I'm cool with that.  So we go by the same establishments as the previous night and needless to say it was worst than the night some of my other homies called as well and I end up kicking it with them til the wee hours and they are young single fellas with not a care in the world which I appreciated the atmosphere but we all were looking around like man this place SUCKS lol.  I felt bad because I know me and my team have plans to make some things happen it is just taking some time.  I feel like this Capital City could do soooooo much better in the social scene category but that's for another discussion. 

In other news which I have talked about before but I find humorous  AMAZON is coming hahahaha the tax breaks and stuff got worked out but some provisions are in place which I think make sense and I understand the issues of why we didn't want them to come but the economy here is terrible and therefore we need jobs and we need more people spending more money.  See the catch 22 about this recession is people have to spend money to get "things" turned back around however people don't have money to discretionarily (made up word) spend so now what?  I feel like if there was a social scene here with all the military and other implants they would be out on the town spending and at least providing something to this place...*exiting soapbox*.

In conclusion this past weekend was a waist to a certain degree other than catching up with friends...I have unfortunately fortunately been around the social scene since the age of 13 (clubs, parties, behind operations etc) and I know a few things that would work but I know my bros don't have much faith in the people.  I have had trouble understanding this paradox that the people here want to be big city but have yet to be exposed and feel willing to pay for big city atmosphere hence they go to ATL or QC to enjoy themselves paying double/triple to enjoy themselves rather than indulge this city.  I completely understand the rationale on both sides but hey I'm just one person that has a vision.  Whelp I guess it will happen one day.....See its possible tho (closing statement) Those who recall the Memorial weekend party my team and I thru 4 years ago was a smash hit...  So I kinda know what I'm talking about so we will see what the future holds,  I had more to say but I will finish up next week....


Monday, May 23, 2011

Hmmm I tell you....LIFE IS GREAT

Yeah I'm back on schedule yaddayadda ya....enough of the formalities...This week;  End of the World, Chris Bosh, Westbrook, and Athletes coming out the closet.  Also Relationship information and other randoms of randomstivity....

Lets begin....So last week according to ancient calendars and lore and other stuff the world was suppose to end on Saturday which I'm not disputing the literals of that statement but lets think about a few recession, natural disasters, crime still rising, war, I making sense?  See as far as I view things (which is all that matters if youre reading my blog) the world is taking a dive and much of it is by our own doing simply because we have ignored the Mos Hi and Mother Nature (one in the same) nah what I mean by that is that we are so embattled with ourselves (crime, corruption, greed, etc) that we totally forget that NATURAL DISASTERS are just that NATURAL and we have no control over it so if we (humans) figure out that to make this world better we have to control what we can control because at any min one to millions can be taken away by nature.  Ok not to scare, offend, or be insensitive to life and death I'm just saying...I'm a simple guy so we need to all do right by each other (regardless of race, gender, ethnicity, religious beliefs) be kind to your neighbor and realize "the hardest thing about the business is minding your own" ~ Drake.

Ok now that I have you in deep freaking thought I will move on to the lighter side of life....SPORTS hahahaha my favorite,  Ok so the Heat look like they wanna try and win this thing and Dallas doing they thing.  Football still arguing over ultimately fans hard earned money.  Baseball is still playing, hockey I honestly stop watching after the Caps got eliminated and NASCAR I have yet to really get (someone help me here).  Track N Field is alive and well and well I like watching it.  Ok now on to specifics...So there's this big thang out now about athletes coming out the closet....first whats the big deal?  It is not like we didn't know this was going on for years and years so is this acceptance movement suppose to shed light or whats the purpose?  I don't get what the big deal is and why it has to be a headline now if athletes were kingpins or something or needing to be visited by SVU then I get but sexual preference...really?  Its not like the guys can keep that a secret ya know....dudes can spot tendencies which a number of them have but its life it's 2011 Land O Lakes.   *Exiting soapbox* the media is giving Russell Westbrook a hard time I guess its that time of year and there needs to be a bad guy to keep sports alive until football returns...My opinion is yes he is a bit selfish and spotlight hungry but he is 22 so I get it plus I'm sure people in his camp are distracting him to a certain degree (agent included).  The young man is extremely talented and has only played the point for 2 years in which he was not one coming out of UCLA.  Two things are going to happen here 1.  He will continue to try to be the face of the team and eventually leave and try to be the MAN somewhere else.  2.  He will realize he will never be THAT guy and become solid and his numbers may decline but they will win.  Just my thoughts but either way no matter what he says it is effecting him and is making his job that much more challenging (just let him play).  Next Chris Bosh is having this coming out party (not exactly tied to the previous topic hahahaha) let me say this Bosh very skilled as a big man but I still don't put him in the SUPERSTAR category, He played on a very very bad team in Toronto (not that hard to put up numbers if you are good) next due to the fact that all the attention has been on Dwayne James he gets to shine kinda like Rondo with his emergence....Now don't get it twisted I'm not saying he cant play but geesh its ok for him to be a good player he is just not on the level as Dwayne James. 

Quick tidbit The Terminator doing his number with the help and getting exposed I wonder if this will be like Eldrick Woods will it end the terminators career and credibility?  I guess it was a no brainier when the lil boy walked in and then left and said "I'll be back" (Austrian voice) and that set off the alarms...Iownknow if that's what happened but if he has lil teeth and a gap I would be rotflmao.   Ok ok ok no one is perfect that I know but one side of me is content that it wasn't another brown person messing up this time.

Relationship advice...well I will save that for questions....I can generally answer questions on what HE is thinking or trying and what SHE is or will be thinking (for newbie married couples).



Tuesday, May 17, 2011

HAHAHAHAHAHA and then some

yeah yeah yeah its Tuesday and I'm just posting, hey I've been busy and I'm still stuck at 8 subscribers so mane if you reading this tell somebody RATNAH! Ok this week I will talk about FACEBOOK, Recession gas, and some sports stuff.

Ok quickly lemme say if you are new to this blog or a current reader when you seen what appears to be mispelt <---- words please realize that I am a very bright guy with a unique sense of humor and I simply type things the way most people (particularly southerners) say them phonetically. So if you get stumped just take a deep bref and think about how you pronounce and enunciate words on to other stuff.

Facebook is slowly but surely making millions of dollars at the expense of becoming my -_________- (or myspace), now I must say I am a bit disturbed because many people left my -________- because of too much advertising and other ridiculous games and gimmicks to post on peoples page.  Now I am not against entrepreneurs utilizing it to get information out I think it is a useful tool however, all the spam that is being inundated on peoples pages, post of music videos or pics of Jordan's and other knock offs is getting a bit overwhelming...Now I understand hey making money but at the expense of being outta style in 3 more years well...all I can do is smh.  Twitter my newest gem will eventually fall victim as well so I truly believe we will all go back (those of us in our late tweenies early thirties and up) to msn, google, yahoo and other messaging services that were so popular in the late ninenees and two thousands.  I remember when you would catch up with people and or meet new folks in msn chat rooms....the ebony room hahahaha stuff like that....

In other news gas is starting to get like the prices of produce per pound....and I can't figure out for the life of me how petrol stations can charge one price for cash and another for credit/debit?  Either this is pure greed or we are simply missing that there is a fluctuation of .10 and therefore letting me know petrol shouldn't be as high as it is.  I hate riding down the road and seeing the big sign that displays gas a "the cheapest price in town" or so I think then I get to the pump and swipe and the price jumps up ten cents.....FALSE ADVERTISING I'm suing  (lol j/k...but maybe)....hell with buying a Powerball I need that dolluh to get a 1/3 extra to the tank ya nahmeen son (new york voice).

And so the NBA final four is set.....Memphis didn't make it thru but I can tell you their bandwagon got full (I must admit I was pulling for them and the city).  OKC and Dallas and Dewayne James vs DRose an nem...I happen to to like the new power shift gives the Association a new feel and fills up seats on other bandwagons.  As y'all know I don't have a NBA team I just like watching good exciting basketball...I digress.  So Russell Westbrook seems to have figured out that his star can shine very bright if he plays Rondo-esque with a better j.....well I hope he figures that out b/c he sees what happens if he tries to still the Light.....#backlash.  DRose an nem put on a show against Dewayne James and friends, out played out hustled and out posterized.  Dewayne James went back to one on one and err time they do that they show that they will not beat anybody unless they shoot the lights out which bof are streaky shooters.  The supporting cast better show up or this series will be shawt.  If they go down 2-0 or 3-0 mock my words and I have said this all year that Pat Riley will intervene and take over a la Van Gundy in 06 (I think he secretly cant wait specially now that Phil is gone).  Welp that for sports news and simply the fact that my fanguz are tired from typing....


Monday, May 9, 2011

The Lakers, Mothers Day, and other stuff....

Hahahahaha I know I'm catching the 3 readers I have off guard but hey until I have 100 subscribers that expect to read this on a specific day I can be a bit spontaneous.  Ok so last week we saw some interesting things with the NBA Playoffs.  It was also Mother's Day weekend....

Let us begin SHALL WE...I wanted to start with D Rose and his over publicized League MVP speech (maybe over publicized is the wrong term), well what I'm saying is that I applaud the media outlets for showing this well deserved honor and the eloquence in which this young 22 year old displayed in accepting the award.  In the most humbling and emotional manner he showed his gratitude for the privilege of being able to make a living playing a SPORT and he put it in perspective when thanking his mother.  Looking back on all her hard work and sacrifices pushes him through the days when he doesn't feel like "playing" (for those that have not played sports it is very very very very demanding and it consumes your life and some times like anything else you just don wanna).  My respect level for this young fella is at the peak because he always seems genuinely humble and thankful for his gift.  In other Playoff news the Los Kobes (I mean the L.A. Lakers) got their ass cut by the finally over the hump Mavericks and I can say I was pleased with the results and especially found humor in the going away present they gave Phil and Kobe.  Don't get it mixed up I'm not a Laker hater but Kobe although arguably the best or one of the best players to ever play is not high on my totem pole that the aforementioned D Rose is.  The overt arrogance and quest for greatness at any cost has a bit disturbing, maybe he is just "misunderstood" (obvious sarcasm and cliche') but the man (although a vet so I completely understand) didn't practice with the team all year yet he is the first the throw people under the bus if they don't play up to HIS standard (listen to his interviews prior to Bynums trustgate comments).  Nah speaking of HIS standard I truly think (I understand the sub-language that basketball players speak in interviews) that Bynum let the cat out the bag with his comments...TRUST ISSUES, hell with the team I think he was directly saying that Kobe was in PMS mode and was throwing folk under the bus in house.  Bynum is a bit of a goofball anyway but I understood it....(he, blake, odom, and/or barnes will all be gone next year and I could see D Howard coming there a la Shaq).  Quickly:  Rondo separates is elbow and comes back out there to play (now being a separated shoulder survivor lol) was quite a display of "manning up".  I have done that (read the previous parenthesis) and the next day soreness, pain, stiffness cant imagine in the elbow.  Now I have given props I will say when KG, Ray Ray, and Paul retire he will either need to go to another team or the C's will go back to the doldrums. 

Nah...on to the other subject briefly.  I want to send a Happy (tho belated) Mother's Day to all the Mothers out there and single fathers who get the job done. 

Y'all be good and if you have read this far down and actually like reading please refer a friend and or comment.


Wednesday, May 4, 2011

What a week....

This mid week thang might start happening more often so anyways lets talk about whats going on this week...The NBA playoffs have a vintage feel with all the hard fouls and stuff...The draft came and went...and Our Commander and Chief announced some shocking but celebratory news. Amazon bails....and I'm on this Dave Ramsey kick.

Lets begin ....shall we?  So we will skip directly to the NFL draft and how awkward it was but still the NFL draft, Cam "Payday" Newton went numero uno to the Panthers and my thoughts least for 6 games the stadium should be energized.  I think the kid has charisma and will be an attraction early then after some L's the luster will corrode.  His dad was there and lets just say.....something is still fishy.  Moving on along Mark Ingram who was glowing and shinning when it first started, started to look a bit pissed off his name wasn't being called....then he got his call (which I will say I'm happy for the young man) and The "Mother ship" as Dan Patrick calls it decides that they will blindside him with a email from his pops.  Nah did anyone else wonder why the email didn't make it to his blackberry, iphon4, or droid?  Ok moving on so he broke down (rightfully so) and the Ship got their moment.  A whole bunch of other picks came and went and the recurring theme I was hearing was about kids with "CHARACTER ISSUES" nah I'm a bit thrown that this particular draft had soooooo many perceived knuckle heads.  End of the day it seems no matter what talent will override the potential trouble awaiting.   I will say this I hope the future classes, high school kids,etc learn that everything you do, say, tweet, facebook whatever could cost you A LOT OF MONEY so keep that in mind.  Moving along....Our President made a startling yet historical announcement that Bin Laden had been found and killed, now as much as I understand the importance of this my somewhat jaded view on politics is how does this affect our deficit going forward and economy also does this mean our troops still have to be fighting everywhere?  I know the risk are still very high and thinks aren't automatically resolved but that was just my first impression once hearing the news.  I'm still amazed tho that we celebrated and rallied together yet we still can't seem to solve the violent problems we have here at home. Now yall know I don't stay on politics too long I just wanted to touch on that point.  As most South Carolinians know AMAZON was trying to come to SC and build a plant and operate for free...I understand both problems of hell the deal was a bit off in the first place (wonder if that was on purpose....will explain later maybe) and second I'm sad that one of the highest unemployed states wont get the 3k jobs that it could have brought over the next 3years.  I am so inspired to try to make things happen and help people in my state but lack the capital and complete resources to do something but I day.  I believe....Hebrew 11:1.

Nah that segways into the Dave Ramsey kick I'm on....Dave's Total Money Makeover book has be vexed and motivated.  I wish I would have had this book in my hand when it was published 2003 I believe.  I would be doing very very very well and be alot wiser.  However the trials and lessons I have learned have helped give this book more substance on my new quest.   I will "live like no one else, so I can live like no one else" those of you who know that or understand it feel me.  I recommend it to everyone especially these young athletes out here in the world.  I I have some important milestones coming up in the near future that will get my full makeover process well as the thought of going back to school to get my green jacket hahahaha.   Well I will keep it short on that note and will tell everyone to keep saying your prayers and continue to help those in need......blessings are powerful things.
