Monday, February 28, 2011

What A Hiatus....

I know I am slack as hell and long over due for the 5 people that actually use to pay attention to this blog....but hey I'm back and a bit more enthused than I was from the last time I posted. Whats new since I last had anything of value to talk about? Well I realized that I have an instrinsict gift of gab and a unique understanding of the Mars vs Venus game. I also created a very humorous yet factual blog on facebook affectionately called the "HiM Laws, the guide to the Male Psyche" which in turn turned into a book yes I make a small manual to understand the do's and don'ts for fellas and for women to hopefully better understand our process of thinking and how simple yet astoundingly difficult we men can be. This book also spawned my blog talk show that I use to host at 11pm on Thursdays (did that for about 10 months) but I slowly realized I was talking to my damn self so and nixed that too. The book is still in rotation and I am working on volume II ( and search The Official HiM Laws and buy it). Yes I completely understand that being somewhat of a contradictory statement however it makes perfect sense. See we men are very simple in our methods and actions and the difficulty becomes when women try to decipher or figure out an alternative meaning when our male brains to process any deeper than what we say. Now I will say this LADIES please pay attention to this statement: A MAN WILL SHOW YOU THE ALTERNATIVE MEANING IN HIS ACTION, translation don't study "his" words study what "his" actions are because all the "STUFF" and "LIL THINGS" you require and are in search for he is probably doing however because he doesn't verbalize it it gets overlooked.

I digress so anyway that's what I have been up to and I assure you I will be more consistent and it won't be errday which I was trying before (I have a life and a job and a family) so it will be more like once a week.